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Saturday, 28 July 2018

Get creative and sew a dress

This is a cut and sew pattern.
The design is printed as per your size, with full instructions on how to cut and sew.

Cut and sew dress pattern by MimiPinto

Side view of dress pattern by MimiPinto


The dress pattern has two co-ordinating patterns.
The Front uses my design "Life at Sea"
The back panels use my Design "Nucleus"
coordinating the back and front with two different patterns creates and exciting combination of scale and texture. 

The two designs are also available as yardage at Spoonflower

Fabric design "Life at Sea" by MimiPinto

fabric design by MimiPinto

Tuesday, 24 July 2018

Fantasy fine art

My design "Eternium"
fun fantasy surreal watercolour art on a tote bag